Qtravel Search A dedicated solution made for travel
Did you know?
Generation Y/Z has been the most significant generation of travellers as of 2020
For the past 10 years, travel search has been provided for users in the same way.You need to define your destination, a number of people and dates to start the search.
Generation Y/Z has been the most significant generation of travellers as of 2020
2/3 of Generation Y and Z travellers are destination indecisive
Research has shown that people do not think in that way, and they are overloaded with information. Classic forms do not match users’ preferences and how they think, especially when it comes to the young generation of travellers.

2/3 of Generation Y and Z travellers are destination indecisive
What does that mean to you?
To attract the current generation of travellers, you need to provide a next-generation travel search.
If you provide a natural language search for travel, you will get a competitive advantage on the market.
When something new hits the market, travellers talk about it and recommend it to their friends.
Give your travellers freedom they deserve

With Qtravel Search, your clients can ask anything they want. For them, it means freedom. For you, it means happy customers, more traffic on your website, and higher conversion rates.

Make every search a unique journey

Make every search a unique journey
You can provide AI tools for travellers that allow them to search whatever they want using a natural language, in a human-like way. They will make more valuable and personalized searches in less time.
Use dedicated solutions made for travel

Qtravel search is a dedicated search solution for travel. We make sure that you get a fully configured, ready-to-use product that you can integrate in days, so you can focus on providing the best experience for your users.

Use developers-friendly tools

Use developers-friendly tools
Our mission is to provide effortless experience when using our service, even for developers. We do all the hard work so you can focus on your core business.
How it works
Spelling correction

Intent detection
& classification

Date / Duration

How many travellers


Finding offers

Save the user’s choice along with the user’s request to provide a better experience, for him and others.